#!/bin/bash # this must match the install directory LIFT_LIB="/usr/local/lift/lib" # set classpath to include the textbook libraries CLASSPATH=".:${LIFT_LIB}/algs4.jar" # compile on Windows/Linux using "javac" but on OS X using "java_home -exec javac" JAVAC="javac" if [ -f /usr/libexec/java_home ]; then JAVAC="/usr/libexec/java_home -exec javac" fi # abort if javac command does not exist if ! [ "$(command -v $JAVAC)" ]; then echo 'Aborting: javac command not found' exit 1 fi # get javac version JAVAC_VERSION=$($JAVAC -version 2>&1) # execute javac command with various commmand-line options # --release option not introduced until Java 9 # Java 8 if [[ "$JAVAC_VERSION" == "javac 1.8"* ]]; then $JAVAC -cp "$CLASSPATH" \ -g \ -encoding UTF-8 \ -J-Duser.language=en \ -Xlint:all \ -Xlint:-overrides \ -Xlint:-serial \ -Xdiags:verbose \ -Xmaxwarns 10 \ -Xmaxerrs 10 \ "$@" # Java 7, 6, 5, ... elif [[ "$JAVAC_VERSION" == "javac 1."* ]]; then echo "Aborting: requires Java 8 or above (javac reports version ${JAVAC_VERSION#javac })" exit 1 # Java 9, 10, 11, ... else $JAVAC -cp "$CLASSPATH" \ -g \ -encoding UTF-8 \ --release 8 \ -J-Duser.language=en \ -Xlint:all \ -Xlint:-overrides \ -Xlint:-serial \ -Xdiags:verbose \ -Xmaxwarns 10 \ -Xmaxerrs 10 \ "$@" fi